“Arise then…
Women of this day!”
The above quote is the first line of the Mother’s Day Proclamation written by Julia Ward Howe. Following the 150th anniversary in 2020 of Julia Ward Howe’s Mother’s Day Proclamation’s call to action to bring about peace in our communities, Joan Marie gathered 12 women to establish the first General Congress of Women here in Sacramento.
This group of community leaders steps forward to present a three-month exhibit at the Crocker Art Museum August through October 2021 showcasing local artists’ expression of social justice, empowerment and self-agency, environmental justice and health and well-being.
While Joan founded the first General Congress of Women here in Sacramento, she has inspired women from around the world to start their own Congresses.
This video is a compilation of Joan Marie’s public presentations (recorded in 2020) outlining her 10-year vision for establishing General Congresses of Women around the world and her inspiration for employing the Fruit of Life as the organizing model.
“We are extremely proud to be the venue for such a powerful exhibition. The variety of work in the show is mind-blowing and the artists speak truths that will hopefully encourage, inspire,and most of all,help create change. At the Crocker we believe art connects people with each other and the world around them, and this show will do that. It is a must-see!”
Exhibiting Artists:
This is the list of artists who exhibited at the “Activism Through the Arts” show held at the
Crocker Art Museum August through October 2021. We invite you to learn more about these remarkable artists.
“We declare the power of our interconnected nature, the innate imperative that we are trusted with, that we are empowered to disrupt systems that no longer serve us. Inspiring us to question old patterns and how to work within them to be the architects of the new. And with the grace of collaboration, hospitality, and consideration to improve conditions for women, children and all humanity on this precious planet.”
In Memoriam
Joan Marie passed June 22, 2021. She is beloved by this Congress and countless other groups, individuals, and organizations around the world. She leaves a legacy of peacebuilding, loving community, and compassionate activism.
She founded the first General Congress of Women in 2020, comprised of 12 women leaders from across the state. Months before she passed, Joan hand-picked and lead this Congress in its first project, the Activism Through the Arts exhibit taking place at the Crocker Art Museum August through October, 2021. This group of women leaders will continue on in a collaborative leadership model to execute her vision for this event. Joan left many more legacies.
She will be remembered as a passionate visionary, loving mother, wise counselor, life-long friend, inspiring leader, and dedicated servant to the mission of bringing love into every situation. We miss her now. We will miss her tomorrow and the days ahead. We feel her love and guidance. We know she is doing the same work on the other side, making it easier for the rest of us to carry on.
We love you, Joan.
These are the leaders Joan asked to join her in the first
Sacramento General Congress of Women.
To see bios, click on the photos.
Artwork by Joan Marie
Jessica Bruny, SGCW member presents: HOMECOMING.
Homecoming is an instance of coming home, creating your own sacred space, and embracing that energy.
Homecoming is here to empower the world by bringing wellness to the forefront.
Thank you to our community partners who helped make this exhibit happen through their financial support and cheerleading: