Melinda Penny-Washington
City Council Ambassador District 5
Melinda’s passion as a Transformational Coach and RDN is to bring a mind-shift in the understanding of health and wellness. Using various approaches tailored to each individual’s health and wellness needs and one-on-one coaching and group classes, she creates an environment for clients to experience holistic healing. Her practice incorporates medical nutrition therapy and meditation techniques. Indigenous Wisdom practices of African, Native American, and European cultures are also offered to support clients in their healing process.
Melinda was lead into the field of nutrition science after experiencing years of intense gastrointestinal pains, which was later diagnosed as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Not wanting to rely on pharmaceuticals alone, she decided to address the lack of proper nutrition and the need for stress management to heal her body. After successfully managing IBS through lifestyle changes, she returned to school in the clinical health field as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and further continued her healing journey through researching how various cultures around the world approach healing.
Through these studies, she discovered the importance of addressing the mind, body, and soul of the person through healthy rituals and connection to one’s culture. With a certificate in Transformational Leadership, she is a passionate healer who sees the importance of cultivating an understanding of indigenous wisdom and one’s lineage in supporting health and well-being.