Joan Marie passed June 22, 2021. She was beloved by this board and countless other groups, individuals, and organizations around the world. She leaves a legacy of peacebuilding, beloved community, and compassionate activism. Joan’s dedication to alleviating the suffering of others’ lives on in the Compassionate Living and Dying initiative. Brenda Kress, asked by Joan to champion the work is doing so with a team equally dedicated to this work.
She founded the first General Congress of Women in 2020, comprised of 12 women leaders from across the state. Months before she passed, Joan hand-picked and lead this Congress in its first project, the Activism Through the Arts exhibit taking place at the Crocker Art Museum August through October, 2021. This group of women leaders will continue on in a collaborative leadership model to execute her vision for this event. Joan left many more legacies. One of which is the Peace Pole Gardens Project. Before she died, Joan was able to meet with the program’s first team of Artist Facilitators as they began their training. This program resides within Chill Center, Inc. and will continue to thrive under the Board’s leadership and the team’s commitment to bringing monuments to peace to the communities of the Capital region.
To house her community healing work, Joan founded Compassion Central in Carmichael, a venue with a mission to host and promote educational and cultural events and trainings that serve veterans, women, and girls. She was co-founder of Compassionate Capitol Region, an Ambassador for Compassionate Women and Girls, a Conscious Touch Educator and VP of Healing Hands Healing Hearts. Joan founded their Veterans Care Program in honor of her father, Alfred J Goularte. She also worked with A Therapeutic Alternative in their Healing Yourself Naturally Program. She was the Producer and Host of the webinar series V2020 and many other online workshops, as well as being a public speaker and performing artist.
Joan was a gifted and prolific artist, photographer, and graphic designer. Her mastery in energetic body work brought relief and transformation to her clients. She will be remembered as a passionate visionary, loving mother, wise counselor, life-long friend, inspiring leader, and dedicated servant to the mission of bringing love into every situation. We miss her now. We will miss her tomorrow and the days ahead. We feel her love and guidance. We know she is doing the same work on the other side, making it easier for the rest of us to carry on.
We love you, Joan.